A thrill to work with the team at PARKS VICTORIA

A thrill for a scruffy Kate like me to work in a corporate setting with humans who are doing great work.

I was invited to work with the team who create content for Parks Victoria, a team with a vested interest in getting people into nature. The content they are creating is emotive, driven by story, land and connection.

It was a pleasure to work with them all!

A Year of Lanyards

This year I have had the incredible privilege and pleasure of presenting in Iceland, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and my home city of Naarm (Melbourne).

In Iceland I presented at the World Drama Education Congress, championing the work of actors and encouraging the integration of acting skills such as intimacy, pleasure, sensitivity, play and communication in schools education.

In Aotearoa and Naarm (Melbourne), I presented with my incredible colleague Nick Waxman on our work with Drama Victoria and the Department of Education through the Positive Start ‘Bring the Drama’ Initiative. On both occasions we had the opportunity to introduce to people from all over the world, the wonderful education resources we have put together so that ALL kids and teachers have access to drama education (see https://vimeo.com/channels/dramavictoriapresents/page:3 )

I have worn a lot of lanyards, met a lot of incredible people, and spent time in environments we should all be so lucky to have access too.